For those of you who are giving your LO’s alimentum or comparable allergy free formula, how have you gone about getting it covered by insurance? My son has a milk and soy protein intolerance (in addition to gluten and egg intolerance) and has been breastfed up until this point. However I cannot keep up with this elimination diet and have begun transitioning him to alimentum ready to feed (he won’t take the powder) which is costing us anywhere from $10-$15 a day. If my doctor writes a prescription can it be filled through the pharmacy and subsidized through insurance? We have Cigna. Any input or experiences is appreciated. Thanks!
I know several people having to use this formula and insurance doesn’t cover it.
I live in Ontario, Canada and through our OHIP+ program, my daughters Nutramigen formula is covered 100%. My pediatrician had to fill out a form stating that the formula is currently her only source of food and that she is “failing to thrive”.
My works insurance program did not cover it, so thank goodness our government health insurance did!
sunlife will cover it. You need a prescription that states dairy and soy intolerance
are you in Canada? My little one is on Alimentum also and my husband is military. It never even occurred to me to check if insurance would cover it
Yes we think she has some sort of diary/soy intolerence, but couldnt figure it out 100% even through a 3 week elimination diet while breastfeeding. One we started on the Nutramigen, she had no more problems. Once our pediatrician wrote us a prescription and filled out the form, OHIP+ covered it 100%
Does your little one have milk/soy intolerance? We are on Alimentum at the moment and our health insurance (military) covers 80% but wondering now if oHIp+ would cover it 100%?
Call your insurance company to confirm but ours covers both powder and ready to feed. Our doctor wrote the prescription and called it into our local CVS.
Thank you all. After going through the ringer insurance today the ready to feed is approved and for only $23 a month! I was so happy and relieved when getting off the phone. BUT a few hours later the pharmacy called and said that there is a monthly quantity limit of what can be covered and it’s only 5 days worth. They sent a fax to my pediatrician with information on how to appeal it with a preauthorization. Fingers crossed it gets sorted out!
My son is on nutramigen and because he has reflux due to protein allergy (this is what is in the script) our insurance (Aetna) covered 80% of the cost. The script can not be filled through a local pharmacy I had to call a speciality pharmacy (Edgepark) and they ship a month’s supply to our door. This has been a lifesaver as the formula would cost us $10 a day.
Hi Did you ever get an answer to your question ?
My LO is also allergic to soy and cow milk proteins so we've been paying out of pocket for Alimentum. It would be awesome if Cigna covered it.
I called my insurance to ask and they looked it up. There was a deductible but after we reached that, he was covered for the amount the prescription was written for. Our insurance does it through a medical supply service so we get a shipment each month from them. We’ve been short about a week’s worth though because he’s upped his formula intake since our last wellness visit. Just got the updated prescription so have to call back and get the new amount all squared away.
My two week old was just diagnosed with this allergy after having a rough two weeks and blood in her stool. I was combo feeding, but told the pediatrician. I would just go straight formula but now the formula isn’t covered by insurance so I.
Latest: 3 months ago | slomama805
A week and a half ago we were told my LO had a cow’s milk allergy and the pedi had us switch to Similac alimentum powder (we stopped breast milk for my health reasons unfortunately). She was constantly fussy and wasn’t sleeping well and had.
Latest: 3 months ago | Tetherton
My 3mo old has had gas and acid reflux issues since he was about 2 weeks. I know gas is common in newborns so we just tried a number of things… gentle formula, gas drops, probiotics, gripe water, etc. He just always has arched his back/neck.
Latest: 6 months ago | RSully1019
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