Connecticut Power of Attorney Forms

Connecticut power of attorney permits a person to handle someone else’s financial or medical decisions in the chance the person being represented cannot do so themselves. The person selected to be the “attorney-in-fact” person need not be a licensed attorney and, in fact, seldom is. The key factors that are applicable when choosing this person are integrity, honesty, and familiarity with the choices the principal would make if they had the capacity to do so. It is also important that the attorney-in-fact is local because that will make it easier for the chosen individual to handle those needs that are more easily attended to in person.

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Durable Power of Attorney Form | Connecticut

A Connecticut durable power of attorney form is a legal document with which a resident can appoint an attorney-in-fact to handle their financial affairs. The document provides the attorney-in-fact with the power of attorney even if the resident (the principal) should become incapacitated. The principal can define the specific tasks the agent will have the authority to oversee so as to not give them complete…