Firearms forms

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Individual licensing

Use this form if you do not already have a licence or if your licence has expired.

This form should also be used:

For Quebec residents only.

Use this form if you live in Quebec and are applying to get restricted and/or prohibited firearms. You can download it from the Sûreté du Québec.

The English form is only available from the French page under Formulaires .

Use this form to renew a Possession and Acquisition Licence that is still valid. Use form RCMP 5592 if you do not already have a licence or if your licence has expired.

You can renew your firearms licence online or by mailing the PDF form.

Contact the Chief Firearms Officer of your province or territory to get this form.

For members of an Indigenous community (e.g., Indian, Métis, Inuit) who engage in the traditional hunting practices of that Indigenous community.

Safety training

Canadian Firearms Safety Course and/or Canadian Restricted Firearms Safety Course Report

Contact the Chief Firearms Officer of your province or territory to get these forms.

Business and carrier licensing

Call the Canadian Firearms Program at 1-800-731-4000 to get the form.

Registration or transfer

For firearms you have recently imported or firearms acquired other than by transfer since December 1, 1998.


Proposed changes to remove C-42 references and update page to latest C-71 changes: If you have restricted or prohibited firearms, you may have conditions attached to your firearms licence for certain transportation purposes. To confirm if these conditions are attached to your licence or to apply by phone, call the Canadian Firearms Program at 1-800-731-4000.

If you want to apply for an Authorization to Carry for the purpose of protection from animals, you must contact your Chief Firearms Officer before you complete and submit this form. You may need to submit additional forms or information.


This form must be submitted and approved ahead of time by the Chief Firearms Officer of the province where you intend to borrow the firearm(s).

This form is formatted to print on 8.5" × 14" paper (legal size). Printing it on a different paper size will reduce its quality.

Shooting clubs and ranges

Contact the Chief Firearms Officer of your province or territory to get this form.

Firearm verification

Firearm verification forms
Form no. Form title
RCMP 5547 Firearm Verification ( PDF , 285 KB )
RCMP 5654 Application to Become a Verifier ( PDF , 208 KB )

Replace a document

Firearms document replacement form
Form no. Form title
RCMP 5515 Firearms Documents Replacement Request ( PDF , 457 KB )