Criminal Record Requests

The public may view non-confidential criminal case documents in person, or may submit a request for copies online via the Court's Public Records Web Portal for Criminal Record Requests. (To view criminal case information online, use the Odyssey Portal.)

Key Features


To access the system, you must provide the first and last name of the defendant and one of the following:

To access all available features, you must first create an account.

System Requirements

To use this site, your browser must accept cookies from this site, pop-up blockers must be disabled, and JavaScript must be enabled. The site is optimized for Microsoft's Internet Explorer 9.0, Google's Chrome Version 33.0, and Mozilla Firefox 26.0, Safari 6.1.2 or higher. If you are using Internet Explorer, ensure that it is not running in Compatibility View. The site is best viewed at a screen resolution of 1280 x 768 or higher.

For additional details including information about fees, payment, and how to create an account, visit the Court's Public Records Web Portal for Criminal Record Requests.