How do I write a biology lab report?

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Writing a biology lab report can seem daunting to those who have never written one. A lab report is different from a research paper or a creative essay; it follows its own rules and format. This playbook takes the guesswork out of writing this type of report.

The parts of a lab report

A lab report has 7 parts:

  1. Title
  2. Abstract
  3. Introduction
  4. Methods (sometimes called Materials and Methods)
  5. Results
  6. Discussion
  7. References

A lab report will contain all of these sections (but some instructors may skip one or more, so remember to check), and will be written in a specific style. In the box below, click on the different tabs to see information about the style and sections of a lab report.

Lab report format

Lab reports follow a standard style (but always check with the course instructor, as s/he may choose to deviate from the standard). The two main components of that style are

These two components will be explained below.

Concise language

"Concise" means "brief but comprehensive," that is, a lot of information is conveyed using a clear manner and straightforward style. Scientists like to get to the facts, so flowery language or too many words are frowned upon. See the example below.

Wordy: The lab was a bit chilly as our group walked in and so we turned the temperature up as we pulled the petri dish out of the refrigerator. We were surprised so many beetles had hatched. Upon counting the beetles, we saw that there were exactly 37.

Concise: Thirty-seven beetles were counted on the petri dish.

Passive voice

Lab reports normally use the passive voice, but students should check with the instructor, as some instructors do not make this mandatory. In the passive voice, the object of an action becomes the subject of the sentence.

Example of active voice: The scientist discovered a new planet.

Example of passive voice: A new planet was discovered by the scientist.

Test yourself!

A. Which of the choices below is the best example of the kind of concise language that should be used in a lab report?

  1. The plants under the special lights grew an average of 1 cm in 10 days, and the plants under the regular lights grew an average of 0.5 cm.
  2. We noticed that the plants under the special lights had grown, and the ones under the regular lights hadn't changed much.
  3. The plants grew at different rates.
  4. It was amazing to see the difference in height between the plants under the special lights and the ones under the regular ones.

Check your answer

B. As part of an experiment, you placed a drop of blue dye in the middle of a Petri dish. Which of the choices below best describes this for a lab report?

  1. I placed some blue dye in the middle of a Petri dish.
  2. A drop of blue dye was placed in the middle of the Petri dish.
  3. We took the Petri dish and added a drop of blue dye to it, making sure we put it in the middle.

Check your answer

The title of the lab report should be a brief summary of the main ideas included in the report.


Title checklist

Examples of good titles:

Examples of bad titles

Test yourself!

Which of the titles below is the best for a lab report?

  1. Tomatoes Grow Well on Fertilizer
  2. The Effect of Fertilizer Use on the Growth Pattern of Tomatoes
  3. Lab 3: Growing Tomatoes Using Fertilizer
  4. Tomatoes and Fertilizer

Check your answer

The abstract is a short summary (usually under 500 words) of the content of the report. An abstract includes


In the sample abstract below, objectives are in green , methods in purple , major results in red , and conclusions in blue . This abstract is 377 words long.

The introduction of your lab report serves two purposes: [1] it stimulates your readers' interest and [2] it provides a general preview of what the rest of the report will cover.

The introduction is usually much longer than the abstract, and can vary from 3 to 4 paragraphs to a couple of pages. The length depends on several things, including the complexity of the topic and the experiment, and the length requirements given by the instructor.

How to organize the introduction

Note : leave out the procedures (those go in Methods), the results (those go in Results), and the conclusion (that goes in Discussion).



Annual vaccination is the most effective way to prevent the transmission of influenza. Yet, in recent years only about 40% of adults in the U.S. were vaccinated annually ("Recent Influenza Vaccination," 2013). A key challenge facing the public health community is to identify and implement effective and efficient strategies for improving influenza vaccination rates. One prominent approach is to increase access to vaccinations at non-medical, complementary settings such as retail settings and workplaces ("Adult Immunization," 2011; "Adult Immunization Programs," 2000).

While we have extensive data on the various locations where individuals seek vaccination and the importance of physicians’ offices as a source of counseling on vaccination (Uscher-Pines, Maurer, & Harris, 2011; "Place of Influenza Vaccination," 2010)], we have little information about how various settings are used by individuals with different vaccination habits (e.g., occasional vaccination vs. repeated, annual vaccination) and how preferred locations change as individuals become more accustomed to regular vaccination.

To address this gap, we used a large, nationally representative sample of U.S. adults to study the association between vaccination habits, based on self-reported experience with influenza vaccination, and vaccination location. Our investigation provides descriptive information about the potential roles that complementary settings play in promoting the initiation of vaccination among those who have never been vaccinated and in promoting the maintenance of previously established vaccination habits.

Explanation of the example

Example of Methods section


In preparing the catecholase extract, a potato was skinned, washed, and diced. 30.0 g of the diced potato and 150 ml of distilled water were added to a kitchen blender and blended for approximately two minutes. The resulting solution was filtered through four layers of cheese cloth. The extract was stored in a clean, capped container.

Four individually labeled spectrophotometer tubes were prepared using different amounts (as represented in Table 1) of the following reagents: a buffer of pH 7, a 0.1% catechol substrate, and distilled water. The wavelength of the Spectronic 20 spectrophotometer was set at 540 nm. To calibrate the specrophotometer at zero absorbance, a blank control tube prepared with no catechol substrate and labeled "tube 1" was inverted and inserted into the spectrophotometer.

Source: University of Richmond

Test yourself!

You are writing a lab report about how to identify an unknown bacterial sample. Which of the following sentences is appropriately formatted for a Methods section?

Some bacteria are very harmful to humans, and so it is a good idea to figure out ways to recognize them.

  1. I used an agar plate to streak the sample.
  2. T-streak method for samples.
  3. We determined that one of the plates had E. coli.
  4. The unknown sample was streaked on a soy agar plate using the T-streak method.

Check your answer

The results section summarizes the findings of the study/experiment. The text in this section focuses on data, and uses graphs (called "figures" in lab report) and tables to illustrate the data, as well as a narrative description of the data. There should be no interpretation or analysis of the data -- that belongs in the discussion section.

Things to remember