B1-1-01, Contents of the Application Package (05/01/2024)

A loan application must be documented on the Uniform Residential Loan Application (Form 1003). A complete, signed, and dated version of the final Form 1003 must always be included in the loan file. The final Form 1003 must reflect the income, assets, debts, and final loan terms used in the underwriting process. (See B3-2-10, Accuracy of DU Data, DU Tolerances, and Errors in the Credit ReportB3-2-10, Accuracy of DU Data, DU Tolerances, and Errors in the Credit Report for additional information about ensuring DU data accuracy and tolerances.)

If either the note or the security instrument and the final Form 1003 will be executed pursuant to a power of attorney in accordance with this Guide, then the initial Form 1003 must be personally signed by the borrower (except as provided below) and included in the loan file. See B8-2-03, Signature Requirements for Security InstrumentsB8-2-03, Signature Requirements for Security Instruments , B8-3-03, Signature Requirements for NotesB8-3-03, Signature Requirements for Notes , and B8-5-05, Requirements for Use of a Power of AttorneyB8-5-05, Requirements for Use of a Power of Attorney , for additional information. However, a power of attorney may be used to execute both the initial and final Form 1003 in any of the following circumstances: