Bank of america disabled direct connect

man and girl walking

Championing employment for individuals with disabilities starts at home for Bank of America

Our Support Services group demonstrates how important it is to look past disability and see opportunity.

group of people standing on staircase

Bank of America earns top score on Disability:IN Disability Equality Index

Bank of America been named as a leader in supporting people with disabilities.

Connie smiling at others

From one Champion to another

Our Better Money Habits® employee volunteers are making moves by bringing free financial education programs to Special Olympics athletes.

Awards & recognition

We are honored to be recognized for our commitment to our employees. Here is a sample of awards we’ve received.

Disability Matters a springboard consulting event Award (2020) logo

Disability Matters Award

Recognized in 2020 for our efforts on disability inclusion

Global Employer of the Year (2019)

Recognized by Disability:IN for leading disability inclusion efforts in the U.S. and beyond

Above and Beyond Diversity Best Practices Award Logo

Diversity Best Practices Inclusion Index (2019)

Disability Advocacy Network recognized with Above and Beyond Award

Disability Rights Advocates A Non-Profit Corporation Award Logo

Disability Rights Advocates Eagle Award

Recognized for ongoing commitment to disability rights