Requirements verification and validation techniques

In Step 5, “Verify & Validate Requirements,” each requirement must be verified and validated to ensure that they are the correct requirement. This ensures that the requirements meet the overall objective of the system and all stakeholder needs. Verification and Validation should be done continuously throughout the development of requirements at every level and as part of baseline activities and reviewed during the System Requirements Reviews (SRR).

Definition: Verification and validation (V&V) are independent methods and procedures that are used to check if a component, product, service, or system meets its established requirements and specifications and that it satisfies its intended overall purpose.

Requirements Development Steps

Difference Between Validate and Verify Requirements

Requirements verification is the process of making sure that the system requirements are complete and accurate. Validating requirements is checking to see if the documented needs match the expectations of the project’s stakeholders.

Visit: Verification and Validation for more information.

Validating Requirements

  1. The set of requirements is correct, complete, and consistent,
  2. A model can be created that satisfies the requirements, and
  3. A real-world solution can be built and tested to prove that it satisfies the requirements.
  4. Meets the Stakeholder intent

Requirements designers should go back to stakeholders again with the requirements document and review it. The requirements should also all be traced in a rational database at this point. Take Stakeholders’ comments and make changes; hopefully, they’re not any. You may need to revisit Step 2, “Write & Document Requirements,” if there are. Repeat the process until there is complete agreement among all stakeholders. When all requirements are agreed upon, a baseline can be established and managed in Step 6, “Manage Requirements.”

Purpose of Requirements Validation

The purpose of requirements validation is to ensure the right requirements are correct, complete, consistent and communicate stakeholder needs.

Verifying Requirements

The requirement must be verified to prove that each satisfies its stated requirement. Verification is a quality control process that determines if a system meets its system-level requirements. Inspection and demonstration is the main testing method used in Verification. It confirms that the requirements contain the necessary elements of well-written requirements that adhere to the rules of the organization’s development guidelines. Basically, “Is the requirement written correctly in accordance with the organization’s standards, guidelines, rules, and checklists?”. Verification can be done by:

Purpose of Requirements Verification

The purpose of requirements verification is to guarantee that the requirements for a system are comprehensive, accurate, and consistent.

Requirements Development Steps

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