Vulnerability Management Policy Template

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How to use this template:

Comments intended to guide understanding and use of this template will be enclosed in brackets “[…]” and the ‘company’ will be listed as [eSecurity Planet] throughout the document. When converting this template to a working policy, eliminate the bracketed sections and replace “[eSecurity Planet]” with the name of your organization.

This policy will reflect a generic IT infrastructure and needs. It can be modified as needed to reflect a specific company’s IT infrastructure and needs.

To use this template, copy and paste the website text or download the Microsoft Word Template below.

1. Overview

Security vulnerabilities enable attackers to compromise a resource or data. Vulnerabilities occur through product defects, misconfigurations, or gaps in security and IT systems.

Vulnerabilities consist of two categories: unplanned and planned. Unplanned vulnerabilities consist of zero-day vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and other security mistakes. Planned vulnerabilities consist of known vulnerabilities that cannot, or will not, be fixed.

This vulnerability management policy defines the requirements for the [eSecurity Planet] IT and security teams to protect company resources from unacceptable risk from unknown and known vulnerabilities. This Vulnerability Management Policy: