How to Get a Release On Your Medicare Advantage Contracts

How to Get a Release On Your Medicare Advantage Contracts

Getting a Medicare Advantage release can be a challenge. It often involves reciprocal agreements and waiting periods, and of course, the rules are different from carrier to carrier. While the release process can be complex, our team here at New Horizons will make as simple as we possibly can. If you have a reason to consider leaving your FMO, we’d love for you to consider New Horizons. Here’s why.

Why Would You Want an MA Release?

First thing’s first – if you’re happy with your FMO, stay there! This isn’t a video to put down other organizations by any means. There are a lot of fantastic field marketing organizations out there. This is for agents who feel like they deserve more – whether you’d like better technology, help with marketing, more efficiency, or you just happen to have a personality conflict. If you’re shopping around for an FMO, we’d love to put our hat in the ring. Based on the Medicare Advantage releases we’ve done lately, there are a few key reasons you might consider switching.

MedicareCENTER Technology

MedicareCENTER Agent Invitation Email Header

One is our new state-of-the-art platform called MedicareCENTER. It’s really the platform of the future when it comes to doing PDP and MA business. We can offer it for free to all of our contracted agents because of our partnership with Integrity Marketing Group. This is a very expensive software – very expensive!! It’s really incredible that we can offer this to our agents at no cost.

Learn More About MedicareCENTER

Personality Conflicts

Another big issue we see is sometimes, there can be personality conflicts or problems that happen between a broker and their FMO. After that happens, communication typically suffers, and the broker doesn’t get as much value from that FMO. In these cases, it does a broker better to transfer away from that FMO, because there are services, products, and ideas you aren’t getting access to anymore.

Support and Proactive Help

Finally, our team here at New Horizons really excels at helping agents solve problems, whether it’s marketing, making more money, or becoming more efficient. We are constantly coming out with new articles, videos, webinars, and training programs to help you grow your business. Interested in Medicare Advantage Sales Training? Unlock access to our free, 5-part Medicare Advantage Sales Training (click the image below to get access):

MA Sales Training

When You Can Get a Medicare Advantage Release

You should know that essentially, the only time in the year you can get a Medicare Advantage release is between January and April. We wish the window were wider, but realistically, that’s just the way it is. While the process can be challenging, we will make it as smooth and as painless as possible. Related: 10 Reasons You Should Seriously Sell Medicare Advantage

[LM] E-book: Why There

Webinar Recording: How to Get Releases

In this webinar recording, you'll get a full run-through of why you'd want a release and more details about how the release process actually works.

Check out upcoming webinars: Webinar Calendar


If you want a release on your MA contracts, just give us a call at 888-780-7676. You can also email me directly at or start a chat on our website during regular business hours (8 a.m.–4:30 p.m. CT). Good selling!