Deakin University Doctor of Medicine (MD) 2025 Guide

Deakin University Doctor of Medicine (MD)

Deakin University's Doctor of Medicine (MD) program empowers students to pursue their aspirations of becoming medical practitioners, offering diverse career opportunities ranging from general practice to surgery, pathology, or paediatrics. Emphasising rural and regional medicine, Indigenous health enhancement, and patient-centered communication and service, the MD course at Deakin University prepares graduates for fulfilling careers.

The program is designed to facilitate internships at various hospitals in Victoria and interstate, enabling graduates to attain registration as Medical Practitioners accredited by the Australian Medical Council.

Deakin Doctor of Medicine Course Information

The Doctor of Medicine program at Deakin University spans four years of full-time study and is tailored for graduate entry, catering exclusively to individuals who have already obtained an undergraduate degree.

Acknowledging the value of diverse backgrounds and experiences, Deakin appreciates the contributions that applicants with varied academic and professional backgrounds bring to both the MD program and their prospective medical careers. Consequently, there are no specific prerequisite training requirements. Applicants are welcome regardless of their bachelor's-level qualification, which may range from fields as diverse as nursing, music, engineering, or physiotherapy.

What will my first two years at Deakin Med look like?

Embark on a journey with a comprehensive two-year focus on the fundamental aspects of medicine at Deakin University's Doctor of Medicine (MD) program. During this period, students will delve into medical sciences, clinical competencies, public health, medical ethics and law, as well as Indigenous health. Within a supportive learning environment, students will tackle real-world challenges that mirror those encountered in their future career, while honing their foundational clinical skills, clinical reasoning, and essential human qualities crucial for delivering exceptional person-centered care.

The initial two years of the MD program at Deakin University unfold at the Waurn Ponds campus in Geelong. Nestled in a rural landscape, this setting offers students early exposure to clinical experiences, enriching their educational journey from the outset.

What will the third and fourth years look like at Deakin Med?

In years three and four of the program, students engage in rigorous clinical training within services affiliated with one of five clinical schools: Barwon Health (Geelong), Warrnambool, Ballarat, Eastern Health (Melbourne), or the Rural Community Clinical School. Under the guidance of seasoned faculty, students immerse themselves in hands-on clinical experiences.

The culmination of the course in Year 4 features two five-week rotations: an elective opportunity that can be pursued either within Australia or overseas, and a pre-internship placement at a hospital. This final phase provides students with firsthand exposure to the daily realities of working as medical interns, ensuring they are well-prepared for their future roles.

Deakin University Medical School Entry Requirements

There are three entry streams available at Deakin University for students enrolling into the Doctor of Medicine programme: the General Entry Stream, Rural Training Entry System, and the Indigenous Entry System.

Deakin University Medical School General Entry Stream

The application process for admission via the General Entry System is administered by the GEMSAS. To be eligible for the General Entry Stream, applicants must either have:

Domestic general stream applicants apply through GEMSAS and are selected for Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) based on the following criteria:

Applicants must hold a completed bachelor's degree (with a minimum weighted GPA of 5.0) or be in the final year of a bachelor's degree (scheduled for completion by 31 December in the year of application) to be considered.

General stream applicants are ranked for MMI offers based on equal weighting of GPA, GAMSAT score, and any adjustment factors specified in GEMSAS.

Following the MMI, a final aggregate score is calculated, comprising equal weighting of GPA, GAMSAT, applicable adjustments (50%), and MMI interview score (50%). Applicants are ranked according to their final aggregate score, and course offers are made based on ranked order and the number of available places.

NOTE: In 2024, the average GPA of our student intake was 6.67, and the average GAMSAT score was 67.5.

Deakin University Medical School Indigenous Entry Stream (IES)

The Doctor of Medicine course at Deakin University sets aside up to 5% of domestic positions specifically for Indigenous Australian applicants. These applicants have the opportunity for direct entry through the Indigenous Entry stream (IES), regardless of their undergraduate degree, and are not required to excel in the GAMSAT.

To qualify for this stream, applicants must hold:

For further details regarding academic requirements, additional criteria, and the application process for this stream, interested individuals should refer to the Deakin University Indigenous Entry Stream on the official Deakin website.

Applicants for the Indigenous Entry Stream must directly apply to the School of Medicine through the IES and demonstrate eligibility as an Indigenous Australian.

An aggregate score is then assigned, considering:

Offers are extended to applicants based on rank order and the availability of positions within the IES.

Deakin University Medical School Rural Training Stream (RTS)

The Rural Training Stream (RTS) applicants at Deakin University apply through GEMSAS and are categorized into three tiers based on their rural background:

Value Explanation
Tier 1 Deakin's rural footprint
Tier 2 Rural background in MM2-7 in Rural Victoria
Tier 3 Rural background in MM2-7 in other areas of Rural Australia

Selection for the MMI interview is determined by the following factors:

Following the MMI, offers for the RTS are made based on:

Applicants in Tier 1 must demonstrate 5 years of continuous or 10 years of cumulative residence in Deakin's rural footprint. They are assessed based on their GPA, applicable adjustments, and a written application score. Tier 1 applicants are ranked for MMI offer based on GPA + any adjustment factors specified + written application score.

Applicants in Tiers 2 and 3 must demonstrate 5 years of continuous or 10 years of cumulative residence in their respective rural areas. They are assessed based on their GPA, GAMSAT performance, and a written application score. Tier 2 and 3 applicants are ranked for MMI offer based on equal weighting of GPA + GAMSAT + adjustments (if applicable) + written application score.

Following the MMI, final aggregate scores are calculated for each tier, and applicants are ranked accordingly. Offers are then made based on ranked order and the availability of places.

Applicants may be eligible for adjustments (bonuses) based on rural/regional residency. Applicants meeting defined rural and regional residency criteria can receive additional points added to their combined GPA and GAMSAT score.

For more information, applicants are encouraged to visit Deakin's School of Medicine Rural Training Stream (RTS) webpage.

Deakin University Medical Entry Bonus

Deakin medical school also offers a series of ‘adjustment bonuses’ to increase certain applicant’s chances of being successful in their application.