Introduction to TELNET

TELNET stands for Teletype Network. It is a client/server application protocol that provides access to virtual terminals of remote systems on local area networks or the Internet. The local computer uses a telnet client program and the remote computers use a telnet server program. In this article, we will discuss every point about TELNET.

What is Telnet?

TELNET is a type of protocol that enables one computer to connect to the local computer. It is used as a standard TCP/IP protocol for virtual terminal service which is provided by ISO . The computer which starts the connection is known as the local computer . The computer which is being connected to i.e. which accepts the connection known as the remote computer . During telnet operation, whatever is being performed on the remote computer will be displayed by the local computer. Telnet operates on a client/server principle.

History of TELNET

The Telnet protocol originated in the late 1960s, it was created to provide remote terminal access and control over mainframes and minicomputers. Initially, it was designed to be a simple and secure method of connecting to a remote system. This protocol allowed users to access remote computers using a terminal or command-line interface. Over time, Telnet’s use has diminished due to security concerns, and alternatives like SSH are now preferred for secure remote management

Logging in TELNET

The logging process can be further categorized into two parts:

1. Local Login

Whenever a user logs into its local system, it is known as local login.

Local Login

The Procedure of Local Login

2. Remote Login

Remote Login is a process in which users can log in to a remote site i.e. computer and use services that are available on the remote computer. With the help of remote login, a user is able to understand the result of transferring the result of processing from the remote computer to the local computer.

Remote Login

Remote Login in Logging

The Procedure of Remote Login

Network Virtual Terminal(NVT)

NVT (Network Virtual Terminal) is a virtual terminal in TELNET that has a fundamental structure that is shared by many different types of real terminals. NVT (Network Virtual Terminal) was created to make communication viable between different types of terminals with different operating systems.

Network Virtual Terminal(NVT) in Telnet

Network Virtual Terminal(NVT) in Telnet

How TELNET Works?