Rule 4.8 – Game Ejection & Game Misconduct Penalties

A Game Ejection or Game Misconduct penalty is a non-time penalty that does not result in the offending team playing shorthanded. The offending player will be removed from the game.

  1. Any player or Team Official receiving a Game Misconduct penalty will be removed from the game and ordered to the dressing room for the remainder of the game and will be reported to the appropriate Member or league for further action. A substitute for the penalized player will be permitted immediately. A total of 10 minutes will be recorded on the Official Game Report against the offending player for a Game Misconduct. Note 1: Where a player or Team Official is order to the dressing room under this rule, it is sufficient that they are away from the Players’ or Penalty Bench and are not directing or interacting with the teams in any manner and in no way interacting with or bothering the officials. Should the individual violate this rule, they will be penalized in accordance with Rule 10.4 (f) – Leaving the Players’ or Penalty Bench.
  2. A player will be assessed a Game Ejection penalty in the following circumstances:
    1. When a player is assessed three Minor penalties for “stick infractions” in the same game. For the purpose of this rule, “stick infractions” are Rule 9.1 -- Butt-Ending, Rule 9.2 -- Cross-Checking, Rule 9.3 – Slashing, Rule 9.4 – Spearing, and Rule 9.5 -- High-sticking.
    2. When a player, in Minor or Female divisions, is assessed three Minor or double Minor penalties for Rule 7.6 – Head Contact in the same game.

    Any player who is assessed a Game Ejection penalty will be removed from the game and ordered to the dressing room for the remainder of the game. No time will be recorded on the Official Game Report against the offending player for a Game Ejection penalty. A substitute for the penalized player will be permitted immediately.

    Due to an error by the Officials, a player who should have been ruled out of the game with a Game Misconduct or Game Ejection penalty was not actually removed from the game. If this is later realized by or brought to the attention of the Officials prior to the completion of the game, the Referee should assess the appropriate penalty and remove the player. Any goals scored or assisted by the offending player, after the point of the game from which they should have been removed, are to be washed out.

    Note 1: No goal may be washed out if this is not brought to the attention of the Referee until after the completion of the game, but this should be noted in the Official Game Report.

    For the purposes of accumulation towards a Game Ejection penalty, a double Minor penalty will be considered one infraction.