Certificate in Risk Management and Insurance

The certificate equips students with the skills, tools, and practical training experience needed to succeed in the rapidly evolving risk management landscape. Students will gain a holistic and strategic understanding of risk assessment and treatment. For students aspiring to work in the Insurance industry, this certificate gives them a head start to earn a CPCU designation which is akin to a Master’s of Insurance.

The Certificate in Risk Management and Insurance prepares students for the Associate in Risk Management (ARM) designation offered by The Institutes®, the leading professional organization on risk management and insurance. The ARM designation requires three core courses: ARM 400: Risk in an Evolving World; ARM 401: Holistically Assessing Risk; and ARM 402: Successfully Treating Risk. Rider's certificate covers materials for all three ARM courses and can earn waivers for the ARM designation for up to two courses (ARM 400 and ARM 402), the maximum number of waivers given for external coursework that can count towards the ARM designation.

Certificate Offered


Katerina Tsakiri, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Chair
Sweigart Hall 366
(609) 895-5593

Associated Department: Department of Information Systems, Analytics, and Supply Chain Management

Requirements for the Certificate in Risk Management and Insurance

Course List
Code Title Credits
Required Courses:
MSD 260Principles of Risk Management 1 3
MSD 361Risk Assessment and Analysis 2 3
MSD 491Mgt Sciences Internship3
Total Credits9

B or higher grade qualifies students for a waiver of ARM 400.

B or higher grade qualifies students for a waiver of ARM 402.

Courses and Descriptions

MSD 260 Principles of Risk Management 3 Credits

The objective of this course is to provide students with a broad framework for evaluating all types of risk, along with conceptual tools for making risk management decisions rationally. The course focuses on studying the risk assessment and management techniques, methods, and predictive models used in industry to minimize, control, and communicate risks, including conducting various risk management protocols. This course covers the fundamental knowledge for the Associate in Risk Management (ARM) Designation of Institutes.

Prerequisite(s): CIS 185.

MSD 361 Risk Assessment and Analysis 3 Credits

This course teaches students how to evaluate, and successfully treat risk in different organizations with advanced techniques. Students will learn about risk assessment methodologies, and different tools for risk analysis to avoid, retain, transfer, and benefit from risk. By the end of the course, students will have the skills needed to apply risk assessment and analysis methods in real-world situations. This course provides additional knowledge and hands-on experience for the Associate in Risk Management (ARM) Designation of Institutes.

Prerequisite(s): MSD 260.

MSD 491 Management Sciences Internship 3 Credits

This Internship course will provide students with supervised employment (approximately two months) with participating companies. Students are given a variety of work experiences. They are required to complete a term paper for the faculty and receive feedback from the supervised employment.

Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor.